India's blind cricket team welcomed to Maidenhead and Bray Cricket Club

12:24PM, Friday 18 August 2023

India’s world champion blind cricket team showed off their supreme skills during a charity match at Maidenhead and Bray Cricket Club.

The national side are set to appear at the International Blind Sports Federation World Games this month.

And they warmed up for the competition by playing in a match on Tuesday in aid of disability charity, Samarthanam.

The event also fell on the same date as Indian Independence Day.

Blind cricket features a white heavy plastic ball which rattles to alert blind or partially sighted batters.

Bowlers must warn batters when they are about to bowl and the ball must be pitched short of the stumps.

Teams normally have a mixture of blind, partially blind and partially sighted players.

Tuesday’s charity match saw cricketers from around Maidenhead play alongside their international visitors from India.

The game finished in a tie – resulting in a thrilling super over to decide the result.

Ranganath Kempanahally, of Barley Mead, who helped organise the event, said: “It was an amazing moment and a great opportunity for us to play with them.

“Some of us have been playing for 20 years now. Trust me, I don’t think we were even 10 per cent close to how good these people are.

“They are champions. Their captain, Ajay Reddy, is almost equivalent to James Anderson and is one of the fastest bowlers on the planet in this format.”

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