Call for entries to MP Theresa May's Christmas card contest

08:00AM, Saturday 21 October 2023

Maidenhead MP Theresa May has launched her annual Christmas card competition as she looks for a festive design to send to politicians, royalty and leaders across the world.

Every year the Advertiser teams up with the town’s MP to invite youngsters across the constituency to submit entries for the card designing contest.

The competition is open to children aged 11 and under who live in Mrs May’s constituency and attracts hundreds of entries each year.

The winning entry is personally chosen by the MP and will be printed and sent out with Christmas wishes to people across Maidenhead, the UK and beyond.

Mrs May said: “I know from years past that we have some incredibly talented young artists across Maidenhead and I’m calling on these young artists again to take part in my annual Christmas card competition.

“Entrants should create a festive image which really captures the essence of Christmas. The successful design will be used as my official 2023 Christmas card which will go to politicians, royalty, and leaders across the world.

“Last year we had a fantastic set of entries and I hope we manage to get just as many entries this year.”

Entries for the competition should be marked ‘Theresa May’s Christmas Card Competition’ and sent to Maidenhead Advertiser, 48 Bell Street, Maidenhead, SL6 1HX.

The suggested size is A5. Designs need to be bold and bright and preferably done in paint, felt tips or crayons as coloured pencils do not reproduce well when printed.

Two-dimensional designs are preferred as materials like glitter and cotton wool do not work when printed.

Entries should also include the full name, age and school or organisation (such as a cub or brownie pack) of the entrant as well as a parent’s name, address and phone number.

The closing date for entries is yet to be confirmed but will be in early November.

Judging will take place soon afterwards, and Mrs May’s winner will be announced in a future edition of the Advertiser.