Council officers oppose lowering speed limit on A308 near Bray

05:19PM, Tuesday 12 September 2023

Proposals to reduce the speed limit along a section of the A308 near Bray are ‘not supported’ by council officers, a report has said.

A cabinet report, which is due to be discussed at a place overview and scrutiny panel meeting on Thursday, explained that the officers’ view was based on consultations with the Royal Borough’s traffic safety team and a formal objection from Thames Valley Police.

Members of Bray Parish Council and residents had requested the speed limit be reduced on the section, between Monkey Island Lane and the M4 motorway bridge, from 40mph to 30mph.

The report details speed survey data indicating a ‘high degree of compliance’ with the current limit.

Thames Valley Police has objected as the force believes reducing the speed limit ‘would result in a high degree of non-compliance, unduly criminalising a lot of people’.

Furthermore, despite a number of injury related accidents recorded by police on the road, only one had speed as an attributing factor.

The report states that the section of the A308 is a ‘main artery’ between Maidenhead and Windsor, as well as a key diversion route for the M4, and a lower 30mph limit would not be appropriate.

In a letter to councillors, Thames Valley Police traffic management officer, Tony Griffiths, said: “In November 2021 I was asked to provide an informal response to a proposed changes of speed limit on the A308 Windsor Road.

“After careful consideration of the documents and speed data provided: Thames Valley Police stated their position would be to oppose the change of speed limit as it stood at the time due to various reasons.

“I have been asked again to formally respond and to date I have not received and further data or information to change our previous position on the matter.”

Council officers’ recommended option is to ‘maintain the status quo’ by keeping the speed limit on the stretch at 40mph.

The report will be discussed at Thursday’s scrutiny panel meeting before going before cabinet for a final decision on September 27.