Public notices: Former Maidenhead medical clinic to be transformed into nursery

01:16PM, Friday 18 August 2023

An application for external facilities for the transformation of a former medical clinic in Maidenhead into a nursery features in this week’s public notices.

Plans have been submitted to the Royal Borough for new hardstanding and access from Guards Club Road, 14 car parking spaces, cycling parking and external store at the site.

This is to facilitate the change of use of the former medical clinic at 160 Bridge Road into a nursery with the provision of a children’s playground to the area.

The building is separate to the neighbouring Bridge Clinic, which remains open.

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According to the design and access statement, the proposed nursery would accommodate 126 children as well as 20-30 part and full-time staff.

The nursery would be open in the weekdays for 51 weeks in the year and would be likely to operate between 7.30am and 6.30pm.

The applicant is working with early years education provider Kinderzimmer, which is ‘likely to be the operator’.

Another application for consent for hardstanding and access from Guards Club Road, 14 car parking spaces, cycling parking, external store, and internal changes to facilitate the change from a medical centre to a nursery has also been submitted.

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