

10:43AM, Thursday 14 March 2013


This Sunday I’ll be running The Reading Half Marathon. It’s not my first half marathon and if my body holds out, not my last, but it’s one of the rare occasions that I’m running to raise money.

I tend not to seek sponsorship because I participate in a few races a year and do not expect people’s generosity to cater for every event.

However, the reason for the change is that The Molly Watt Trust is a Maidenhead based charity raising money and awareness for sufferers of Usher Syndrome, a leading cause of deafblindness.

I got to know Molly, a young sufferer, and her family over post Saturday morning shopping coffees at our local Sainsbury’s in Taplow and learned about the trust and its projects.

One that struck a chord with me, being a writer, was ‘Access to Reading’ based on the discovery that Kindles are excellent for sufferers who are unable to read normal books or magazines.

The trust is seeking funds to buy and supply these electronic readers, and that’s where I come hobbling in, hoping my sweaty exertions will result in some much needed Kindles.

So, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank those who have already dug deep and say that if you would like to donate or find out more about the trust, log on to www.mollywatt.com.

Finally, good luck to any other readers taking part on Sunday and I hope you’ll have a great run, I know I will.