Davies says Slough Town players 'took responsibility' in vital victory over Dartford

Daniel Darlington


01:46PM, Wednesday 06 September 2023

George Alexander. Credit: George Beck


A ‘massively relieved’ Scott Davies felt the Rebels players took responsibility for their own performances in Tuesday's hugely significant 2-1 win at Dartford.

The Rebels travelled to Dartford off the back of a humbling 5-2 defeat at home to Tonbridge Angels, after which Davies questioned the commitment and character of his players, saying the side had 'given up' in the second half.

No such accusation could be made of the Rebels' performance on Tuesday, however, as they diligently stuck to their game plan to come away with all three points thanks to goals from George Alexander and Tyrese Dyce.

戴维斯还能够回忆起中心一半丹湾liss and left-sided defender Dyce after injury, while Munashe Sundire was also set to play at Princes Park, but felt uncomfortable in the warm-up and was replaced by Jeanmal Prosper before kick-off.

The Rebels have generally played much better than results have suggested this season - Saturday's defeat against Tonbridge not withstanding - however, this was much more like it from a young, committed side who've shown flashes of what they're capable of this season.

Against Torquay United a few weeks ago, they completed dominated the first half and should have been two or three goals to the good. In other matches this season they've also had spells of dominance in which they've failed to take their chances, so it was a huge relief for Davies to see his players peform so well in both boxes on Tuesday.

Alexander rounded the keeper to make it 1-1 in the 11th minute and the Rebels held onto that advantage until the 52nd minute when Baris Altintop levelled matters for the hosts. At this stage, Davies feared the tide might turn against his team once again, but they held their nerve and Dyce fired home powerfully from a corner in the 74th minute.

Speaking to Connor McNeish after the final whistle, Davies told Sloughtownfc.net: “It’s so soon after the final whistle, but I’m massively relieved to get three points.

“I did worry when they got back to 1-1 and I thought, here we go again maybe.

“But I think that was a proper performance tonight. The way we defended our box was superb.

“We had some honest conversations with the players (after Saturday’s 5-2 defeat to Tonbridge Angels), some difficult conversations and some home truths. But they’re a good bunch of lads and they’re honest. I thought everyone was bang at it, I don’t want to single out anyone because I thought everyone did their jobs.

“That’s what we’ve been lacking but everyone took responsibility tonight. Everyone got their head down and worked hard.

“Some of the things that were thrown at us after Saturday was that we gave up, and Slough isn’t a club where you can give up.

“It’s not happened in my five years of being here. Under the previous managers or under myself, I don’t feel we’ve had that, but on Saturday it felt like we were being knocked into the ground after the third goal and the fourth goal. We lost belief and confidence, but tonight, that was a proper Slough performance and one we can be proud of.”

He added: “We can’t afford to have too many injuries; we’ve got a smaller squad than a lot of other clubs. Having those boys back in tonight, Bayliss won every header that came into the box, Tyrese scoring a goal, and the way that he celebrated mean’t so much to me. It showed how much he cared and having those two on the pitch tonight was a massive help.”

The Rebels are back on home turf on Saturday, when they welcome new league leaders Aveley to Arbour Park.

Davies is expecting another tough encounter, but if his side can demonstrate the same defensive discipline and take their chances going forward, they should have nothing to fear.

Davies will certainly sleep a lot better than he has been heading into the clash.

“The performances this season, overall have been pretty good,” he said. If we didn’t have heart and grit last season we’d have gone down.

“I was disappointed with the manner of goals we’ve conceded this season, they’ve been very soft and there have been a lot of individual errors which people have held their hands up for, but it’s so deflating at times because you work so hard.

“Tonight, we didn’t make any and it makes a difference. Everyone looked after their own performance and the result took care of itself. No one expected us to come here and win today. I think we got the balance right and had a good blend of workhorses and quality. The front boys looked after the ball so well in the first half. I’m just relieved, i think for the first night in a week or two I might sleep well.

Tuesday's result lifts the Rebels off the bottom of the table and up to 22nd place.

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