Furze Platt children paint gardens and towns

Sally Robinson

02:00PM, Friday 28 April 2023

Children at Furze Platt Infant School took part in a painting workshop on Monday,writes Sally Robinson.

Foundation and reception classes moved around a large painting making splotches and shapes into a beautiful garden or a town map.

The children worked collectively using colour and shape to produce bumblebee, caterpillar and dragonfly towns.

艾琳野兔,早期团队负责人说:“这项工作shop, Our Town Map, helped us to launch our summer term project on ‘Journeys.’”

“They were extremely proud of their creations and are looking forward to sharing them in our Early Years Exhibition,” said Erin.

The workshop was led by Amanda Schenk, an Australian artist living in Maidenhead.

Amanda taught art in secondary schools in the UK for 10 years and now exhibits her artwork and runs workshops at Norden Farm.

The workshop was supplied by the Farm Out programme at Norden Farm Centre for the Arts, funded by the Spoore, Merry and Rixman Foundation.

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