Maidenhead Great Park group launch new petition asking council to stop development

10:15AM, Friday 20 October 2023

A group campaigning to save Maidenhead Golf Course has launched a new petition asking for the council to put a stop to plans to develop the site into housing.

The golf course in Shoppenhangers Road has been included in the Borough Local Plan (BLP) for the development of up to 2,000 new homes.

The e-petition started by chair of the Maidenhead Great Park group Tina Quadrino asks the council to ‘protect our public open space and biodiverse woodlands by ending plans to build on Maidenhead Golf Course’.

Tina said: “Maidenhead Golf Course occupies 132 acres of council-owned green open space, of which 40 per cent is woodland, including five acres of ancient woodland.

“This important area of open green space was bought by the council in 1953 to preserve it as an ‘open space’ for the people of Maidenhead.

“We’re asking our council to respect this action, place the correct value on the land as green open space and protect Maidenhead golf course from development for the benefit of people and wildlife.

“Maidenhead golf course provides a green lung for our community and important habitats for wildlife, including protected species like owls, bats and kestrels. With better management, it could be a vital place for nature recovery as well as a golf course.

“Protecting greenspace and biodiversity is a vital part of the steps we must take to prepare for and mitigate against the effects of climate change.

“Our government has signed-up to the UN’s Sustainability Goals, including taking urgent action ‘to reduce the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity which are part of our common heritage and support global food and water security, climate change mitigation and adaption, and peace and security.’

“If the woodlands and green space of the golf course are protected from development, the people of Maidenhead will have the opportunity to use this space in the best way possible for their sustainable future and wellbeing. This could include tree planting and habitat improvements for nature recovery, water storage, environmental education, community activities and amenity.

“We need to secure 1,000 signatures to get this issue debated at full council and would be grateful for the support of local people to reach that target.”

Council leader Simon Werner said: “We’re very much behind The Great Park campaign. We were very involved in it before and still fully support its aims.

“We promised during the election we would do everything we can to stop the scheme.

“如果我们无法阻止它,因为contracts the Conservatives have signed, we would do our best to ameliorate the effects of the building on The Great Park and we’re very much still in that position.”

The petition currently has just over 200 signatures and can be viewed at: