Remember When: Fancy dress fun and Diana Dors

This week's Remember When features Diana Dors at a charity gala at the Skindles Valbonne club and fancy dress fun at the Stag and Hounds.

07:00PM, Saturday 28 October 2023

1978:Actress Diana Dors and chat show host Sir Michael Parkinson were among the A-list guests to attend a charity gala ball at the riverside nightclub, Skindles Valbonne.

Skindles owner Louis Brown pulled out all the stops to secure a guest list dripping with celebrities to raise money for the Royal Borough mayor’s quest to fund a new ultrasonic scanner.

1983:Pub regulars at the Stag and Hounds in Pinkneys Green donned fancy dress outfits to raise £1,000 for the Thames Valley Hospice project.

Costumes ranged from spooky skeletons to full ice hockey kits.

1983:马洛底部有残忍行为的Burford School as pupils dressed up in aid of a fundraiser to pay for a microscope for every classroom.

学生们排队进入一个特殊的石窟based on CS Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.

1988:A bronze resin sculpture of the Maiden with Swans was unveiled at Ray Mill Island.

Maidenhead resident Eunice Goodman’s design depicted a medieval maiden seated on a Thames hythe coaxing a group of swans.

The district council agreed that Ray Mill Island would provide the ideal setting for the creation.

1988:A musical mash-up saw the Altwood School Band play alongside the Band of the Life Guards and the choir of Holy Trinity Church in a special concert.

The chosen venue of the Magnet Leisure Centre proved troublesome, though, as the noise of the rumbling machinery drowned out the choral voices.

1993:Homeless children in the former Yugoslavia were the beneficiaries of a harvest collection organised by pupils at Polehampton Junior School.

Kind-hearted youngsters dropped food parcels off at Feed the Children’s Reading headquarters to help those living in the war-torn country.

1998:River traffic was brought to a standstill as salvage workers attempted to refloat a sunken barge near Boulters Lock.

Onlookers walking along the towpath were surprised to see two mooring ropes disappearing into the murky depths of the Thames but all became clear as the barge slowly resurfaced.